• If you are currently taking a course and have questions about navigating the platform or completing a course, please check the Learner's Corner page (available to logged-in learners).

Learning Format

  • Can you explain MixtMode Learning’s approach?

    Glad you asked! Our courses are built on the understanding that learners learn by taking a new idea and connecting it to things they already know. We use a variety of learning tools that help you make sense of things and apply your new understanding to your own work reality.

    We also recognize that there is a range of learners participating in our courses. You may be working directly with clients, or you may be overseeing projects or a team. You may be just beginning your work as a practitioner, or you may have years of experience. Wherever you’re at, whatever your work is, our aim is to provide you with opportunities to make the content relevant to your own circumstance. The variety of learning components we intentionally offer in each course will hopefully support and enrich your learning experience.

  • You mention that your pocket courses are self-directed and self-paced. Can you explain what this is?

    These are similar concepts.

    Self-directed learning means that you make the decisions and create a strategy for how to learn best. We offer you content and application opportunities wrapped in a constructivist learning pedagogy, and you choose how much you interact and respond to this.

    Self-paced learning means that you determine when learning happens in your schedule, how much time you want to spend learning and applying each concept, and how fast or slow you move through the course.

  • What makes a good learning strategy?

    Here are key factors to consider:

    • Go through the content at your own pace.
    • Set specific and undisturbed time aside for learning that fits your schedule – this could be 10 minutes at a time or maybe a whole hour in one go.
    • Experience the course with the depth that you want and need right now. You have unlimited access to the course for a year, so don’t feel pressured to absorb it all at once.
  • I want to make the most of my learning. Any other tips?

    We love to hear this question! Here are three suggested approaches that you can take to be more intentional about your learning:

    • Explore: this is a good way to get familiar with new ideas and perspectives. Ways to explore: review the content, take notes of new and interesting ideas, ask your peers for help when in doubt, and complete the reflection and application prompts and/or course workbook.
    • Confirm: good for when you’re familiar with the course ideas but want to validate your knowledge and check assumptions. Ways to confirm: explain what you are learning to someone else, discuss ideas with your peers for insights, and test new ideas in your practice to see if they work for you.
    • Stretch: take this approach when you have a solid understanding of the ideas and want to find ways to put them into practice. Ways to stretch: dive deeper into the recommended resources, look up and read related academic articles, participate in conferences, reach out to experts in the field, and implement pilot projects in your work.
  • How do I ask a question?

    Here are some ways:

    • If you have a question about the concepts you’re trying to learn about, post it in the course discussion community. It’s likely that someone else is wondering the same thing you are, and you may initiate a very fruitful conversation.
    • If you have a technical support question, please check the Troubleshooting & Tech Support section below.
    • If you have a private question, you can email us at [email protected]
  • How much time should I be spending on a course?

    Short answer: totally up to you!

    Long answer: each course indicates in its description the average time it takes. It’s usually between 30 minutes to 2 hours. However, the benefit of a self-paced format is that you can manage your own time. If you want to spend more time revisiting a concept, digging deeper into the resources provided, or engaging in discussions, you are more than welcome to do so.

    One of the keys to learning online is self-discipline. Because you are not required to be in a training session at a specific time, you have to craft time and be motivated to learn on your own. If you block a specific time in your schedule that you will dedicate to your learning, it will be easier to commit.

  • Should I plan to complete the course in one go?

    Though our stand-alone courses are bite-sized, meaning you can take an entire course in one go, you do not have to. We encourage you to take your time and stop to reflect, apply, and process the content as much as you need to.

  • What is the purpose of course discussions?

    Course discussions are an opportunity for peer-to-peer (P2P) learning. We believe they are an excellent opportunity to interact with your peers in the career development sector and learn from others’ perspectives. Learners are prompted to share insights, strategies, and experiences which is a powerful way to deepen their understanding of the course content.

  • I’m not comfortable participating in online discussions. What do you advise?

    We hear you. Engaging in discussions is an optional (but highly recommended) part of your learning. Some of us shy away from interacting in an online group discussion, especially if we’re new to it. Your participation could be a short description of a unique client experience. Or showing appreciation for someone else’s post. Or simply asking a question.

    Here are some of the ways you can enrich course discussions:

    • Post your answer or point of view to the course's group discussion question
    • Ask a question. It’s likely that someone else is wondering the same thing you are, and you may initiate a very fruitful conversation
    • Like other people's posts when they resonate with your thinking
    • Comment on other people's posts when you want to contribute to the conversation or want to clarify something

Troubleshooting & Tech Support

  • I can’t log into the learning platform. What should I do?

    Try one of these options:

    • Check if you’re typing a wrong or misspelled email address. Make sure you have an account on this platform with the same email address you’re trying to log in.
    • Reset your password. If you forgot your password, click Sign in, input your email address, and select Forgot my password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password within 5-10 minutes (please check your inbox and spam folders).
  • How do I change my password?

    • Login to your account and click on your profile image (top right corner).
    • Click My Account and select Password on the left menu.
    • Type a new password in the Change Password field and again in the Retype Password field.
    • Type your original password in the Current Password
    • Click Update
  • How do I update my personal information?

    • Sign in to your account and click on your profile image.
    • Click My Account and select Profile on the left menu.
    • Update your personal information and click Save Changes.
  • What technology do I need to be successful?

    Really glad you asked. Here is a list of the equipment and applications you will need:

    • Device: we recommend using a laptop for optimal screen resolution
    • Browser: the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Do not use Internet Explorer.
    • Internet Connection: reliable and high-speed is recommended
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader: updated to the latest version
  • Why are images and text not displaying correctly?

    Based on the device and browser you are using, the learning platform automatically adjusts the page layout. Our courses display best if you are using a laptop. For an optimal experience, open it through Chrome or Firefox, updated to the latest version. Please, do not use Internet Explorer.

  • I am trying to click a button but it is not working. Can you help?

    That doesn’t sound right. Our learning platform works best in Chrome and Firefox (updated to the latest version). Please try again using one of these browsers.

  • I have other technical issues. How can I get help?

    If you are experiencing other technical issues, it’s always a good idea to restart your device.

    If this does not solve the issue, please connect with us at [email protected] and provide the following information:

    • Your name and email address
    • Brief description of the issue
    • Area of the platform, course, or lesson where the issue is occurring
    • Browser and version you are using
    • Screenshot of the error message or issue


  • Who is MixtMode?

    Our team started to explore online learning solutions that can work in the career development field more than two decades ago. Over the years, we’ve designed and delivered multiple face-to-face and online career development programs, conducted research studies, and established expertise in creating engaging learning experiences for both clients and practitioners. We often collaborate with career agencies and governments and have supported thousands of practitioners to enhance their practice. Read more about us.

  • When will new courses be available?

    Great question! Our team is working on new courses right now. We take pride in offering high-quality content and materials to you. As you can imagine, building a course involves many areas of expertise and takes time. Stay tuned and sign up for our newsletter to be the first in the know.

    Have you got a course topic idea you'd like us to consider? Email your ideas to us at [email protected]

  • In which currency are the prices shown?

    All prices are in CAD – Canadian Dollars.

  • I have a coupon code. Where do I enter it?

    You can apply the coupon on the course checkout page to redeem a discount:

    • Click on the Have a coupon? link
    • Input a valid coupon code in the text box that appears
    • Press Apply
    • The checkout will update the order detail with the discount applied if the coupon is successfully added
    • Complete checkout as normal

    Please note that coupons are not case-sensitive.
  • The course I was interested in is not available anymore. What happened?

    We are dedicated to providing our learners with high-quality content and materials. Sometimes, we need to update a course with new information or replace it with a new version. Please get in touch with us via email at [email protected] and let us know which course you are looking for and we can provide you with an alternative.

  • Do you offer group or custom training?

    Definitely. We’ve worked with organizations and governments to create training that was specific to their project needs. If you can't find the course you're looking for here, contact us at [email protected] to learn how we can support your project or team development.